Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Superfood of the Day: Pomegranates

Leave it to Americans to take a great thing and absolutely ruin it.

A Google search for pomegranates will turn up just as many products to buy as it will information. The juice, once found only in health food stores, is ubiquitous and can be found in powder and pill form just as readily.

Pomegranates and their juice are loaded with antioxidants. Those little super nutrients can lower levels of LDL (bad cholesterol), and stop blood platelets from clumping together in arteries--preemptively stopping blockages (like aspirin).

The antioxidants in pomegranates have also showed promise in combating all forms of cancer, arthritis, and even E.D. (for all you older male readers out there). Pomegranates can also help damaged cartilage from further deterioration.

The problem is, Americans have ruined it. It's commercialized now which means plenty of people see the hype and believe a glass of "Pom" is a cure all. Let's get this straight, if you're eating Big Macs and not exercising, pomegranate juice isn't going to help one bit.

Other antioxidant loaded juices include Acai Berry, Blueberry, Cherry, Cranberry and Concord Grape. Other food sources include beans (the darker the better), apples (red delicious is the the skin!), spinach, broccoli, almonds, walnuts, and oats.

When using the juice, look for 100% juice options. My personal favorite is Old Orchard (a Michigan product). Cheap mixes like Pom-Blueberry and Pom-Cherry ease the bitterness. Mix a tablespoon into a smoothie or even a cup of yogurt to make the supply last longer.

8oz a day has shown to have wonderful affects on the heart so feel free to down a small glass daily. Any more than that though and you're probably just falling into the hype.

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